I’ll try to apply for a site, Textbloker, a Franche-speaking website where you gait paid for your writing.
There’s a test, where you have to be exceptionally good. You get accepted only if you are rated 4 or 5 stars (on 5).
In their website, when you are accepted, you search for services, write, submit your text and maybe the person will take your text, demands modification, then you get paid.
They are helpful also, giving advices to improve your articles.
From what I know, I haven’t tried it, so it’s an external image.
About the entry test:
Theme : Talking about your favorite show or book and giving the reader the desire to read it.
There’s requirements on the HTML and SEO stuff. Stuff I never took into consideration because I see myself more like an artist and philosopher (in the intentions ) than a marketering guy…
But itsn’t a barrier to enter, they offer good materiel on their website to know what is the HTML and SEO + practical advices. So, It becomes a matter of adjustment.
Talking about a show, manga, book, I can do it, I’m used to it, most of memorable writings talks about a manga I have read, an anime I watched, so it’s my cup of tea.
I don’t want to fail, I want to submit an incredible text, a text who’ll makes them think : “Wow, He really has potentiel, I wanna see him succeed in this area !”
If the expectations are high, the pressure follows and from this two, the inspiration is hiding under the bed.
Of Course, we’ll give it a shoot and for a proper one, taking time is crucial.
I’ll take a week and then we’ll see what happens.
I’ll try to write about the manga I have in mind : Blue Lock, Mashle, Alice In Borderland.
I can write about more for exemple : Dr.Stone, Attack On Titan, Tokyo Revengers, Vinland Saga, The Boxer….ect.
The door is open for another subject, to stay focused a short list is preferable.
My first job as a writer ? well, wish me good luck haha