Qu’est ce que je fous depuis le 1 juillet jusqu’à mtn
Pas mal de chose je présume, je me souvient plus trop honnêtement xD
Je peux juste dire ce que j’ai fais hier et aujourd’hui xD
Le truc le plus sérieux : Saison 2 de Supernatural regardé ! xD ((ok, ok, je vais parler plus sérieusement xD))
Je me suis donné un défi, trois challenges pour cette semaine, du 5 au 12 juillet :
CHESS GAME Practice : 3H
et Sport : 10 min xDD
tout ça, par rapport au temps, c’est que le minimum.
J’ai accomplit ces missions hier.
Aujourd’hui, 2 déja fais, il reste la lecture, 1H minimum.
J’ai crée une playlist : PRACTICE MOJO, une playlist d’OST ((trois OST de GAROU de ONE PUNCH MAN)) xD
quand je pratique, je l’écoute.
GAROU me plait, me fascine.
sa force, sa puissance, son évolution, son aura…
Il m’inspire le dépassement de soi…
/// longue interruption dans l’écriture de ce texte… une dispute qui casse bien les couilles…je reste calme, stoïque, et calme la situation comme je peux, à ma manière///
Je lis, je joue au échecs et m’améliore dans ce que je fais à mon rythme
Je suis content que je me mette un défi de cette taille pour cette semaine,
j’étais un peu dans le doute, juste un peu
et me voila, accomplir ce que j’ai à accomplir…très bien !
Je prend plaisir dans la lecture
En mettant un chronomètre, ça m’aide à rester focus.
Zanshin, le concept que j’ai lu dans un article de James Clear et que j’ai vraiment adoré :
“Zanshin is a word used commonly throughout Japanese martial arts to refer to a state of relaxed alertness. Literally translated, zanshin means “the mind with no remainder.”
the mind completely focused on action and fixated on the task at hand. Zanshin is being constantly aware of your body, mind, and surroundings without stressing yourself. It is an effortless vigilance.
In practice, though, zanshin has an even deeper meaning. Zanshin is choosing to live your life intentionally and acting with purpose rather than mindlessly falling victim to whatever comes your way.
The Enemy of Improvement
There is a famous Japanese proverb that says, “After winning the battle, tighten your helmet.”
the battle does not end when you win.
he battle only ends when you get lazy, when you lose your sense of commitment, and when you stop paying attention.
This is zanshin as well: the act of living with alertness regardless of whether the goal has already been achieved.
The enemy of improvement is neither failure nor success. The enemy of improvement is boredom, fatigue, and lack of concentration. The enemy of improvement is a lack of commitment to the process because the process is everything.
The Art of Zanshin in Everday Life
“One should approach all activities and situations with the same sincerity, the same intensity, and the same awareness that one has with bow and arrow in hand.” — Kenneth Kushner, One Arrow, One Life
we have a tendency to put so much emphasis on whether or not the arrow hits the target.
If, however, we put that intensity and focus and sincerity into the process — where we place our feet, how we hold the bow, how we breathe during the release of the arrow — then hitting the bullseye is simply a side effect.
The point is not to worry about hitting the target.
The point is to fall in love with the boredom of doing the work and embrace each piece of the process. The point is to take that moment of zanshin, that moment of complete awareness and focus, and carry it with you everywhere in life.
It is not the finish line that matters. It is the way we approach the goal that matters. Everything is aiming. Zanshin.”
La citation de cette semaine :
“One should approach all activities and situations with the same sincerity, the same intensity, and the same awareness that one has with bow and arrow in hand.” — Kenneth Kushner, One Arrow, One Life
le titre de son livre est badass de fou xD
mtn, je vais continuer à faire ce que j’ai à faire… même si je suis pas dans le moral, pas dans l’humeur mais voila…