Whether the weather offers you a shiny sun, whether the storm follows you and destroys every path you consider taking
Whether the circumstances suits you perfectly or the circumstances pushes you where your demons are waiting to devour you alive
Whether the happiness is loyal to you
Whether the suffering will continue to be your only partner sharing a life where tears are omnipresent like oxygen
Responsible when people encourages you with enthusiasm
Responsible when the hate huge you with knifes to plant you in your back
Whether the results honor your efforts
Whether the injustice and lack of chance cut your progress
So, go ahead
Fail and retry
Succeed and try again
Let your potential explode and expand
Let your willpower grow and get revenge
Make yourself untouchable, like your soul: unconquerable
Haha my first poem, very simple but with time I’ll try to augment my reservoir of words and expressions, maybe I can write something better, but for now, I’m okay with it.
If there’s something wrong about the grammar or a bad placement of an expression, no problem, tell me and I’ll learn from it.
I don’t feel legitimate to talk about this things, knowing that I have my issues and shortcoming, like everyone but It can be useful to remember some simple and yet fundamental lessons…
Take care